Setting up connection to untwist SFTP server

1. Generate ssh key for authentication

Whoever needs access please reply to this email with their public ssh key. The information on how to generate one can be found here

windows: https://www.purdue.edu/science/scienceit/ssh-keys-windows.html (opens in a new tab)
# open terminal
# run the following commands
ssh-keygen                       # this command will create the key if you already have dont need to run this
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub            # this will show you the contents of the file

Setting up filezilla client

  1. Open filezilla client
  2. under File select 'Site Manager'
image of the site manager
  1. This will pop up the following menu
image of the site manager
  1. After clicking 'New site' enter the name of the connection
image of the site manager
  1. Select the SFTP protocol
image of the site manager
  1. Select the SFTP protocol
image of the site manager
  1. Set the logon type to key
image of the site manager
  1. Enter you username
image of the site manager
  1. Select you private ssh key. From the browse when you will choose the ssh private key file on your system (usually located in the home directory ~/.ssh/id_rsa ).
image of the site manager
  1. It might display a message for converting the key. please press Yes option
image of the site manager
  1. Then it will ask to save the file in the new format. here you can give any location. (if the key is protected it will ask for the passphrase but i guess it does not apply to your case here). Please give this a name e.g my_untwistsftp_key

then go back to step 4 and select the key newly formatted key you just created (my_untwistsftp_key).

  1. then press connect.
image of the site manager